Azaroak 8 Ikerketa eguna


adembi bilaketarekin bat datozen irudiak

Resultado de imagen de urizartorre



Bi irtera egigo dugu lehenengo maikako ikasleekin,

Ea interesgarriak izango diren.

Por medio de sus aportaciones lo descubriremos


8 comentarios en “Azaroak 8 Ikerketa eguna

  1. Nahiz eta euritsua izan oso ondo aprobetxatu genuen goiza.
    Hitzaldiak asko erakutsi zigun,
    Gaixotasun hau daukagunean onartzea dela zailena,
    Onartuz gero gurekin egongo dela bizitzaren zehar

    • I was flicking through that book a while ago- looks great! Let me know how you like it!This weekend- PT session tomorrow and watching a 10k on Sunday (I thought it was the Edinburgh Marathon, but that's not for another few weso)eEnjky your weekend!

    • Yeah, they are famous. But it’s a bad fame, everyone in Russia are laughing at them. They are not only ugly, but Amatue is really weird. She always talking about astral shit and things like that.Also yes, she took a lot of surgery. But she at least used to look like a human being.As for me, I want to burn these things, they are looking like some creepy insects to me.

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