Hezkuntzak gizarteangan daukan garrantzia ikusita batek baino gehiagok bideo hau ikusi beharko luke…… Oso interesgarria, benetan!!!
Hezkuntzak gizarteangan daukan garrantzia ikusita batek baino gehiagok bideo hau ikusi beharko luke…… Oso interesgarria, benetan!!!
Oso ados Onintze! Oso interesgarria eta asko ikasi daiteke pelikula honekin.
Eskerrik asko Onintze, aste buru honetarako pelikula proposatzeagatik.
Dicen que la educación de un país señala lo que será el “mañana “de ese país, de ahí la importancia de la educación y todo lo que está en juego.
Whoa, whoa, get out the way with that good inainmftoor.
I absolutely loathe the whole concept of an impact factor, and place little trust in it as a measure of the quality of work. Some journals publish mostly papers that are of interest to a broad range of disciplines. Others have a narrow scope, and are aimed at specialists. Of course the first type of journal is going to be cited more frequently.