Ekintza gehiago arlo desberdinei begira egitea ondo egongo litzateke, parte-hartzeak inplikazio sentimendua garatzea sustatzen duelako. Eskerrik asko!!
Why do so many people pay that much for a bicycle when they could buy a decent four- wheel auto with capacity for carrying things and people? Psychology trumps economics?
Wonderful Web website website…I’ve not previously began any number associated with blog, the data documents you provide applying this website will provide assisted me and also you tremendously. Thanks for types period & get the job done. “The in house fire is important mankind ha…
Oso polita, eskerrik asko partehartzeagatik, guztion artean lortuko dugu, bakoitzak dagoen esparrutik!!!!!!!!!
Ekintza gehiago arlo desberdinei begira egitea ondo egongo litzateke, parte-hartzeak inplikazio sentimendua garatzea sustatzen duelako. Eskerrik asko!!
Well I guess I don’t have to spend the weekend fiugirng this one out!
Why do so many people pay that much for a bicycle when they could buy a decent four- wheel auto with capacity for carrying things and people? Psychology trumps economics?
Wonderful Web website website…I’ve not previously began any number associated with blog, the data documents you provide applying this website will provide assisted me and also you tremendously. Thanks for types period & get the job done. “The in house fire is important mankind ha…