Hi! Ran into your blog somehow. Grad student here from Manila, professional boxer, just got into BJJ today. Love it! I’m glad you’re pushing forward towards a passion, nothing beats that. You have a lot of heart, and I’m sure you’ll win more tourneys soon! Hope boxing is in your agenda too! Best regards!
I agree with pretty much everyone on here to get government out of marriage and really, the family (family courts, et al). I also agree that the term marriage should be reserved for a man and a woman. If same-sex civil unions or even bigamy becomes commonplace due to the government getting out of marriage/family, then so be it.
Eneko Atxak dio sormenaren bide ezkutuak jarraitzea bidai bat egitea bezala dela.
Guk bidaiatzeko maleta prest dugu.
Oraingoan maletan honako hau sartu dut:
ea gustatzen zaizue.
That’s way more clever than I was excpeting. Thanks!
Hi! Ran into your blog somehow. Grad student here from Manila, professional boxer, just got into BJJ today. Love it! I’m glad you’re pushing forward towards a passion, nothing beats that. You have a lot of heart, and I’m sure you’ll win more tourneys soon! Hope boxing is in your agenda too! Best regards!
La única cosa bona (bona?) que té aquesta situació és que la lÃnia de la costa torna a ser com quant era petit (molt petit) i agafava aquelles 440 velles, pintades de blau amb aquella lÃnia groga i aquells seients d’escai… Quins records!I ara, unes paraules carinyoses per la meva estimada ministra: Estimada Ministra de foment i formadora de independentistes en masa:Volia dir-l’hi que FGGFSSSTGHGDFGCGVGHGDFDFJFDDDJJRSDJOGDDGHBB!!!!!!!!!!?????*+-%%#//**/*]!!!Visca Catalunya!
I agree with pretty much everyone on here to get government out of marriage and really, the family (family courts, et al). I also agree that the term marriage should be reserved for a man and a woman. If same-sex civil unions or even bigamy becomes commonplace due to the government getting out of marriage/family, then so be it.